The Minneapolis Star Minneapolis, Minnesota Monday, August 16, 1965 - Page 4
A Nonsensical Chess Gambit
THE MOVES in the international chess game involving the U.S. champion and Fidel Castro are the kind that would classify as amusing if they weren't so pathetic.
First our State Department said our chess champion, Bobby Fischer, couldn't go to Cuba to take part (along with other experts from around the world) in a tournament in Havana.
Then Bobby said he would play in the tourney by telephone or cable. But he read a report that Cuba's premier had called the U.S. refusal to let him go to Havana as “a propagandistic victory for Cuba.” So Bobby cabled Castro saying he was withdrawing.
And now Castro has denied making such a statement. A spokesman for Bobby says this opens the door for the champ to take part in the event, by telephone.
What's the next move? It ought to be one by the State Department, to end the type of nonsense which started this whole thing. But State probably has “castled” and won't be budged.