The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, August 29, 1965 - Page 87
Bobby Fischer at Capablanca Memorial Tournament
Frank Brady, former editor of the magazine Chess World, has written a book on Bobby Fischer called “Profile of a Prodigy,” reputedly a comprehensive portrait of this controversial figure and containing 75 of his games. The book is to be released at the end of this month.
The book is already a little incomplete, for the controversial Bobby Fischer is again in the news. Bobby is not in the army as previously reported, though we were informed that he had expected to be drafted.
Recently he applied for a visa to play in the Capablanca Memorial tournament in Cuba, partly on the theory that he would also function as a journalist. His application was denied.
Fischer then arranged to participate by telecommunication. Fidel Castro promptly announced a diplomatic victory.
Fischer, irritated that his name was being used for political reasons, thereupon withdrew from the tournament, indicating by cable that he would nevertheless participate if the Cuban government publicly conceded that his participation is non-political. However, the latest report is that Fischer is playing.
Bobby Fischer would not have been drafted in U.S. Military. See this publication from the Worldwide Church of God,
by Herbert W Armstrong
“Here is the biblical teaching and commands of God on military service, killing and WAR. … At the outset, bear in mind that in the United States, for example, the Selective Service and the military authorities deal with “conscientious objectors” according to the genuine sincerity of the individual, as they, not the individual, determine his sincerity.”