The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, September 11, 1965 - Page 27
Borislav Ivkov Leads At Havana
Borislav Ivkov, Yugoslav grandmaster and former world junior champion, heads the field in the Capablanca Memorial tourney at Havana with 5½-1½ pts. Bobby Fischer, USA, Vassili Smyslov and Ratmir Kholmov, USSR, are tied next with 5-2 each.
Fischer is playing all his games by teletype from N.Y. after the USA Government refused him a visa. The unique situation is creating more interest among chess fans there than if he had gone. Play in Havana is at the Hotel Libre, where there is accommodation for about one thousand spectators. Two thousand more roll about outside where large demonstration boards provide a report of progress in each game.
(a) Capturing this pawn is usually the first step to annihilation but Fischer proves otherwise. (b) A promising-looking sacrifice cleverly refuted. (c) 21. PxN, BxB; 22. QxB remaining a piece up. (d) 21. RxB wins also but the artist gets the upper hand. (e) Smothered mate is threatened (NB7ch, NR6 Q-N8ch and N-B7 mate). If 23. B-R4, RxB simply.