Asbury Park Press Asbury Park, New Jersey Saturday, September 04, 1965 - Page 13
Fischer Ties For 2nd In Chess Tourney
Havana (AP)-Bobby Fischer, the United States champion, completed two matches yesterday in the Capablanca Memorial Chess Tournament and cleared the way for the start of the eighth round tomorrow.
Giving his moves by telephone from New York, the young chess master from Brooklyn ended both matches in draws. His sixth-round match against Robert Wade of Great Britain, which had been adjourned twice, ended in a draw after 68 moves. His fourth round match with Alberik O'Kelly of Belgium was drawn after 54 moves.
Fischer was refused permission by the U.S. State Department to come to Havana for the 30-day tournament. He is playing in New York and the moves are relayed between there and Havana by telephone or cable.
The two draws sent Fisher into a tie with Russia's Vassily Smyslov for second place in the over-all standings, each with five points. Borislav Ivkov of Yugoslavia leads with 5½ points. Ivkov defeated Smyslov in 59 moves Thursday night.
In adjourned seventh round matches completed yesterday, Georgui Tringov of Bulgaria defeated Garcia of Cuba in 49 moves and Johannes Donner of Belgium drew with Doda of Poland in 41 moves.