The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, September 18, 1965 - Page 29
Havana Tourney
Boris Ivkov, Yugoslavia, defeated Bobby Fischer, USA, in the Capablanca Memorial tourney at Havana, to widen his lead with 11-2 pts., ahead of V. Smyslov, USSR, 9½-2½; E. Geller, USSR, 9½-3½; R.J. Fischer, 9-3; J. H. Donner, Holland, 8-5; R. Kholmov, USSR and L. Pachmann, Czech, 7½-4½ each … —
… Leonard Barden in the Manchester Guardian says “There is news that Bobby Fischer the world's best player outside the Soviet Union, has been drafted into the United States Army for two years. It is apparently quite possible that he will eventually be sent with the infantry to Vietnam.”
“Profile of a Prodigy”: The Life and Games of Bobby Fischer, is the title of a [unauthorized] biography recently brought out by Frank Brady. It contains 75 of his best games and a 100 pages of [unauthorized] biographic detail.”