The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Quebec, Canada Saturday, September 04, 1965 - Page 43
Switch At Havana
In the international at Havana, Dr. Elod Macskasy, Vancouver, has taken the place of Dan Abe Yanofsky, who withdrew for business reasons. Bobby Fischer, USA champion, unable to obtain a visa, is playing his games by teletype from the Marshall C.C. in N.Y. An FIDE official is umpiring. Fischer won from Uhlmann, E. Germany, and V. Smyslov, USSR, in the first two rounds. He has the better of an adjourned position with V. Ciocaltea, Rumania, in the third. This is the first time anyone has played games by wire in a cross-board tourney. It is a handicap because of the extra time needed for transmission, with fatigue an ultimate factor. But Fischer is young, with proven stamina.